Date Change for Family Engagement Night! Previously scheduled for February 25th, it will now be held on Tuesday , March 4th from 6-730 pm.
26 days ago, Brandi-Lynn Pierce
Family Engagement Flyer
On Friday, December 10th, our High School students attended an Extracurricular Fair on "main street". Student leaders hosted booths were other students could learn about clubs, sports, and activities within the school.
3 months ago, Cleveland Hill UFSD
Extracurricular Fair
Student Image
Student Image
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Student Image
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Student Image
Holiday Spirit Week!
3 months ago, Mrs. K. McIntosh
spirit week
Teacher Office Hours Information
3 months ago, Mrs. K. McIntosh
QR code
Please consider supporting the Sophomore Class on Tuesday, November 21st. Stop by and pick up a delicious Spaghetti dinner while visiting your child's teachers at Open House. See attached flyer for details. Dinners can also be pre-ordered by clicking this link
4 months ago, Mrs. K. McIntosh
spaghetti dinner
**SAT or PSAT Scam Calls** On behalf of NYSED Chief Privacy and Chief Information Security Officer Dear parent or guardian please let this serve as a reminder that you should not share personal or financial information over the phone with unsolicited callers. If you receive such a call, hang up immediately. We are sending this reminder because parents and/or guardians of children who have recently taken an SAT or PSAT exam have been receiving scam calls requesting personal information, including a credit card number, to mail the test results. Additional tips about how to protect yourself from SAT test-related scams can be found on the Better Business Bureau website and below: Always be wary of unsolicited callers: If you receive a random call from someone asking for payment, research their organization before sharing any personal information. Double check with your child: If someone claims they're calling because of a service your child requested, hang up and check with your child first. Understand the College Board's practices: The College Board will never ask you for your bank or credit card information over the phone or through email. Don't give your financial information to strangers: Never agree to pay a stranger with any form of payment for a purchase you didn't initiate.
4 months ago, Mrs. K. McIntosh
See the letter below for more information from Mr. Wiles about changes to the structure of our HS Student Support Team.
9 months ago, Mrs. K. McIntosh
school logo
Class of 2025 please sign up for your Senior Pictures. The pictures are free of charge and taken at the high school over the summer to create a nice formal layout to uphold the tradition the Aerie yearbook.
9 months ago, Mrs. M. McDougal-Domroes
Senior pic sign ups
Yearbooks have arrived! Seniors can come to room 319 on 6/5 to pick up or purchase their yearbooks, everyone else may come on 6/6. If you did not purchase a yearbook ahead of time, there is a limited number available for $45. First come, first serve., no holds.
9 months ago, Mrs. K. McIntosh
Chicken BBQ on Tuesday, May 21st!
10 months ago, Mrs. M. McDougal-Domroes
BBQ order
order form
Class of 2012 Graduate, Devonte Davis came into speak to the business students today. His talk complimented many of the business concepts we have covered this year. We really appreciate him taking time out of his day to give back to the students at the Hill.
10 months ago, Mrs. M. McDougal-Domroes
DeVonte Davis & Teachers
Sunday, April 28th come out and enjoy the local schools coming together for a choral event.
10 months ago, Mrs. M. McDougal-Domroes
Sing to me flyer
Sunday, 4/28 at 3
Interested in winning a 2024 Yearbook or a ticket to the prom? Might as well save your cash for other things. See Flyer for details!
10 months ago, Mrs. M. McDougal-Domroes
Yearbook Prom Ticket Raffle
Annual Arts Extravaganza will be Tuesday, May 21st. There will also be BBQ chicken dinners to pre-order and pick up organized by the NHS and ice cream for sale by the Cleveland Hill Education Association.
11 months ago, Mrs. M. McDougal-Domroes
arts extravaganza
BBQ dinner fundraiser
QR code to order BBQ
Attention Parents/Guardians, Join us for our DAPA (Drug & Alcohol Parent Advisory) meeting on Thursday, May 2nd, at 6 p.m. in the HS Aud. Parents must attend this meeting once every four years for students to be eligible to buy dance tickets (Including Prom). If you are unsure if you've attended in the last four years, please call the Main Office at 716-836-7200. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate other arrangements, and this will be the only meeting offered, so please plan accordingly. Please remember, this meeting is for parents/guardians only. Students should not attend.
11 months ago, Mrs. K. McIntosh
Friday, April 12th is the deadline for Senior Hoodie Orders. See attached form. Email with questions.
11 months ago, Mrs. M. McDougal-Domroes
Senior Picture Order form
Today is the last day to order yearbooks!
11 months ago, Mrs. M. McDougal-Domroes
Eagle Yearbook Cover
Yesterday, juniors Halina, Lillian, Mahmoud, and London represented CH at the ECIC Student Athlete Leadership Summit. It was a great experience for our future leaders.
11 months ago, Mrs. K. McIntosh
Spring Vendor Fair Saturday, March 23rd 9am - 2pm
12 months ago, Mrs. K. McIntosh
On Wednesday, February 28th, students from the CHANGE Program presented a check totaling $175.00 to the Michigan Street African American Heritage Corridor. I am sharing this letter from the director. We are incredibly proud of everyone who contributed to this initiative.
12 months ago, Mrs. K. McIntosh